🦉AW#20: Fat Loss cheat sheet, Why you should take action NOW, Choosing the right business for you, Building 'Deep' relationships, Skin health, Work-Life Balance, and more.
Spend more time implementing wisdom, not collecting it.
In this week’s edition, you will learn:
Take Action, or nothing will change
Episode: Business tricks we've learned from gamblers, pick-up artists, and Feynman
Podcast episode length: 57 mins
Birth your creative baby by broadening your horizons: Get out of your circle and your bubble and attend some conferences or local meet-ups completely unrelated to what you do. Broaden your horizons. If nothing else, being around people doing interesting things can give you the energy to birth your creativity baby.
A model to pick the right business for you - Go For Green:
Businesses that can combine products or services with high uniqueness and high value (by fulfilling a need) tend to be more successful and sustainable. For example, the iPhone is unique to Apple, and cell phones are in high demand.
Life is not like a game of Chess; it’s more like Poker.
The cards are facing down, and a lot of luck is involved. Professional poker players only play 15% of their hands, while amateurs play more than 50%.
Lesson: Pass on the average opportunity to save room for the right one. Use the model above to pick the right opportunity.
Episode #742:Tony Robbins & Jerry Colonna
Podcast episode length: 2 hours 31mins
Neil Gaiman is a bestselling author and creator of novels, short stories, films, and television shows, including "Good Omens" "Neverwhere," "Coraline," "The Graveyard Book," "The Ocean at the End of the Lane," "The View from the Cheap Seats," and "The Sandman" graphic novel series.
Neil Gaiman's writing process & writing tips:
Check into a not-so-nice hotel room to avoid distractions and only focus on writing and completing a book in two weeks.
Create rules that encourage writing. Neil's rule is: "You can sit here and write, or you can sit here and do nothing, but you can't sit here and do anything else." This rule gives him permission to write or not write but prevents him from doing anything else.
Neil writes his first drafts in longhand with a fountain pen in Leuchtturm1917 notebooks.
Side note: He has a 19th-century accounts book with 500 numbered pages that he plans to use to write a novel, using a dip pen or a Flex nib pen. My inner stationary nerd is salivating. ;)
A good writer knows the importance of moving forward without knowing all the answers.
The creative writing process involves a combination of inspiration, discipline, and persistence. Failure and rejection are essential parts of the creative process. So stop fearing failure and start by gathering ideas and inspiration from various sources, such as books, movies, music, and real-life experiences.
Once you have a good idea, let it sit and marinate before writing.
Build discipline and consistency in your writing, treating it like a job and setting aside specific times each day to write.
Enter Debbie Millman, host of the Design Matters podcast, chair of the SVA Masters in Branding program, editorial director for Print magazine, and one of Graphic Design USA's most influential designers.
10-year plan exercise that fosters hope, optimism, and a sense of possibility, try it.
Confidence comes from repeated attempts and success, not waiting for confidence to magically appear.
Don't limit yourself to what you're qualified to do; take risks and try new things.
Episode: Dr. Andrew Huberman on How to improve skin health
Podcast episode length: 2 hours 26 mins
Skin is one of the most important organs of your body and reflects the overall health of the body (organs, immune system, and brain).
Sun exposure can disrupt collagen and elastin in the skin, leading to premature aging, but some exposure is beneficial for hormone production and vitamin D synthesis.
Excessive sun exposure creates skin cancer. However, according to experts, not all skin cancers are directly caused by sun exposure, and many are not deadly.
Vitamin D is crucial for bodily, hormone regulation, and brain functions. Sunscreen and physical barriers do not entirely prevent vitamin D synthesis.
Mineral-based sunscreens (zinc oxide or titanium dioxide) are generally safer than chemical-based sunscreens, especially for young children. Chemical-based sunscreens may contain endocrine disruptors, and some studies suggest they can be absorbed into the bloodstream.
Collagen (which provides the skin with elasticity and strength), hydration, and genetics influence skin health and appearance.
The recommended dosage for collagen peptides is between 15 to 30 grams per day, and it can be further enhanced by taking 500 to 1,000 milligrams of Vitamin C.
Improve your skin health.
Dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons recommend supplementation with collagen, vitamin C, niacinamide, Retinoids, and hyaluronic acid for improving skin health.
Ensure that your diet includes foods rich in vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fats, fiber, micronutrients, and collagen. Reduce your intake of inflammatory, highly processed foods. Stay hydrated with water and electrolytes. Get 7-9 hours of sleep.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick on the use of sunscreen and related cautions
Protocol to manage and improve skin health and appearance if you have rosacea:
Adopt a low-inflammation, low-glycemic diet.
Prioritize adequate sleep.
Minimize or eliminate alcohol intake.
Establish a skincare routine that includes lukewarm water, a gentle, unscented cleanser, and regular use of mineral-based sunscreen.
Stubborn rosacea may be due to excessive use of cleansers. Avoid over-cleaning.
Apply a moisturizer to maintain skin hydration.
Consider topical or oral nicotinamide (niacinamide) or licorice root for additional treatment.
Episode 149: How to take risks in your communication, relationships and career
Podcast episode length: 26 mins
Keys to a good speech
Put the audience first.
Say Less.
Stay true to the purpose - if it creates no change for your audience, you missed the mark.
Speak like a human. Do not use big academic words or jargon to sound smart.
Big words create a bigger confusion.
Model for writing a good speech: Decide (determine what message you wish to communicate), Promise (why is this important to the audience), and Deliver (clearly and succinctly explain what the audience should do with the information).
Create a bias for action:
You are trapped in fear when doing new things or getting outside your comfort zone. Yet, your future self will regret what you didn’t do over the things you tried and failed at.
Do your future self a favor and pitch that idea to your boss, ask that guy/girl out, and buy that flight to Australia. You will be glad you did.
Episode: Rhythms, routines, and crafting a rule of life with John Drury
Podcast episode length: 48 minutes
Orienting Values
Whether conscious, intentional, or unwanted, your life is governed by a major Rule of Life or an Orienting Value. A rule or a central belief that shapes your life gives it a rhythm. You may have internalized being a 'provider'’ Your life may be governed by being an athlete. These beliefs decide what you choose, what you reject, and what you allow. Analyze these overarching rules and beliefs of your life. Write them down. Then, question if these beliefs are serving you. If not, create ones that will.
If you are confused about this idea, try this: What five orienting values would someone write down if they spent a week with you?
Here are some additional examples of positive and negative orienting values:
Work-life balance
Work shouldn’t be the only part of your life when you are 'doing something.’ Ask yourself what you should 'do' with your life, not just what you 'do' for work. Should you be doing more things to help around the house? Should you be doing more with your kids and your community?
What other 'doing' should you focus on that perhaps matters more than your work?
Taking the time to define concepts you use or hear often, like work-life balance, is helpful. Define them for yourself rather than adopting a generic definition. How you frame things and the language you use matters. The language you use, especially when you speak to yourself, matters. There is a difference between being a parent and a father/a mother. As a man, being a father elicits a different emotional response in me than being a parent.
Episode:Â Humble confidence with veteran and entrepreneur Blake Hall
Podcast episode length: 38 minutes
What are the two values that are non-negotiable for you in every relationship? For me, it’s integrity and respect. I am happy to work with someone who is confrontational or causes friction as long as I know they have moral integrity and respect (for themselves and others).
What is non-negotiable to you? Where do you set the bar in your relationships today?
Behaviors are excusable; values are not. Anyone can have a moment of weakness, snap, or treat you poorly. But, if their core values justify or promote that behavior consistently then that is a problem. Occasional misdemeanors are understandable, but consistent conflict in values is not. Do you have a value conflict with people closest to you? If yes, which values can be potentially damaging to your own moral framework? Connect this to the orienting values listed above.
As a parent, when your kids fail or misbehave, give them an explanation and not punishment. Punishment teaches them shame and guilt. Explanation teaches them values.
Narcissism is a shame-based fear of being ordinary.
Wise people have the ability to judge their own judgments. They can question the real reasons behind their decisions and perceptions objectively and modify them correctly. How wise are you?
Episode #804: Dr. Mike Israetel - Exercise scientist’s masterclass on losing fat
Podcast episode length: 2 hours 24 minutes
Fundamental Physiology of Fat Loss
Body fat serves as an energy reservoir, lubricates joints, and provides structure to cells.
Humans evolved to efficiently store energy as fat due to intermittent food availability in the past.
Consumed food is broken down and distributed throughout the body, with excess calories stored as body fat.
To reduce body fat, a calorie deficit must be created, meaning you burn more calories than you consume.
Do Calories Matter?
Calories are the most crucial factor in losing body fat.
Counting calories is not mandatory for success but provides a reliable method for achieving a calorie deficit and losing fat.
If you are not losing weight despite your efforts, counting calories can help you identify and adjust your calorie intake.
Are GLP-1 drugs considered cheating?
GLP-1 drugs cause weight loss by reducing hunger, leading to decreased food intake.
Some people have negative attitudes towards pharmaceutical interventions for weight loss. Using weight loss medication is not cheating, as humans have been using tools and technology to improve their lives since the beginning. Weight loss can be achieved through willpower or with the help of medication, freeing up willpower for other aspects of life.
Aside from GLP-1 drugs, restricting calories and protein intake are the most important factors for fat loss. Protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle mass. A good rule of thumb is to consume just over half a gram per pound of body weight per day, or up to one gram per pound for serious fitness enthusiasts.
Optimal Foods and Mealtimes for Weight Loss
For optimal muscle growth and maintenance, consume at least four evenly-spaced, high-protein meals daily.
Spreading meals throughout the day is more important for fat loss than meal frequency.
Calorie balance is crucial for fat loss, regardless of food groups. Prioritize foods that keep you fuller for longer, such as those with high fluid volume and fiber (potatoes, oats, etc.)
Out-exercising a poor diet is challenging and unsustainable. Consistency around good nutrition and exercise is crucial for fat loss. The intensity of exercise doesn't significantly impact fat loss and weight loss compared to sustainability. Choose physical activities that you can sustain long-term and incorporate variety to prevent boredom and injuries.
The Key to Getting Abs
Abs are revealed by reducing body fat (body fat percentage of around 10-12%.), not through specific exercises. Training abs is similar to training other muscles: 2-4 times a week, multiple sets close to failure, full range of motion, increasing loads and reps over time.
Cheat sheet for Fat Loss:
Additional considerations:
While eating out, avoid restaurants that serve deep-fried, overprocessed, calorically dense foods. Instead, Choose restaurants that offer grilled meats, rice, and vegetables.
Watch your caloric intake attributed to alcohol.
Curb your sweet tooth by eating fruits instead of a dessert.
After dieting for 6 to 12 weeks, take a maintenance break of at least 6 weeks to avoid diet fatigue and extreme hunger.
Episode 313: Bringing relationships into focus
Podcast episode length: 36 mins
The only model you may need to improve your relationships:
Fewer but Deeper.
In a world where everyone is chasing followers and likes, your reptilian brain is convinced that you will be safer, more secure, and more connected with every extra Facebook 'friend.’
The reality is the exact opposite. In the age of 'social' media and an interconnected world, most people feel disconnected and lonely.
The problem won’t go away if you keep following the herd.
The solution is to pause and determine the closest, most valuable relationships to you. Do it proactively so that you aren't late, like the captain of the Titanic, who could see the tragedy coming but couldn’t do anything. Don’t wait till these relationships are beyond saving.
Don’t wait for a catastrophe to crystalize the few people that matter the most.
Do this to cultivate deep relationships:
Write down 3-5 people that matter the most.
Rate yourself on how deep your connection has been with these people in the last 12 months. Rate it from 1-5, 5 being great.
The connection is defined as how often you speak with them, have genuine, meaningful discussions, check-in, and help and support each other (emotionally and physically).
Will they count on you, do they know you are there for them?
If a relationship is not a 5, ask them what you can do to make it a 5. When they are telling you, don’t interrupt or explain yourself. Just listen.
Take Action:
This week, do one of the following:
I hope this post was useful. If not, please let me know how I can improve it.
Much Love,
Disclaimers: I have no affiliation with any of the sources linked above. This information should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment and is not financial advice. Please use your discretion before applying this information. Please refer to the original source for references. I use AI-generated images.