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My motto is to deliver Actionable Wisdom, without the fluff.

A ‘Blinkist’ for Top Podcasts.

The abundance of useless Information is preventing you from ‘getting better’.  If you care about being productive, then, spending hours listening to podcasts, and consuming related blogs and videos is highly UN-productive.

I ingest Top podcasts to create a newsletter with curated, bite-size, actionable wisdom. It takes 10 mins/week to read. Categorically, I focus on podcasts related to productivity, health & wellness, business & money, relationships and lifestyle design. We include popular podcasts and a fun ‘Stuff you should know’ section.

Join like-minded subscribers who upgrade their mindset and skill set and save over 10 hours weekly.

Spend more time implementing wisdom rather than collecting it.

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Who is this for?

A constant learner who wants to get better faster, values their time, and is comfortable investing $5/month to accelerate knowledge acquisition in these four key areas:

  • Self Improvement & Lifestyle design

  • Productivity & Business

  • Health & Wellness

  • Relationships & Love 

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Short weekly newsletter with Actionable tips, tricks, and tactics. No fluff - takes less than 10 minutes to read. Covers Productivity, Health, Entrepreneurship & Personal growth topics. Spend more time implementing wisdom rather than collecting it.