You have 60 days left to make this year count - Do this to increase your chances of success.
What is something Churchill, Napoleon, and Hitler had in common?
You have 60 days left to make this year count - Do this to increase your chances of success.
If this year feels like it missed the mark, chances are you didn’t prioritize what matters most.
Priority is a single word. If you have 3 top priorities, the next question is - which one is it? Narrow it down to 1 single focus, one priority, and go all in for the next 60 days.
Fire your weekend version. If you are anything like me, I am disciplined during my workweek and the weekend is like the prison break version of me. No rules. No diet. No Discipline. The weekend me is undoing everything in 2 days that my workweek did in 5 days.
So, I fired the weekend me. It started with small things like binge-watching mindless TV, which led me to slip on my nutrition and make numerous other poor choices.
Does your weekend version misbehave like mine?
If so, fire him/her and stay focused on the 1 single priority for the next 60 days.
Get after it!
Podcast version of this post
Who knew statues and monuments were very lucrative businesses?
The Statue of Liberty made over 150 million dollars last year.
How to grow your personal brand - According to Seth Godin
Your personal brand is your reputation for what you deliver consistently.
Your brand grows when existing customers/users share your product.
People only share to gain status or affiliation (belong to a desirable community).
How are you offering status or affiliation benefits to your consumers?
People say yes to you, if you can show them that you share with them a very close personal or social identity - you’re a member of whatever they consider a 'we' group. In other words, convey that you are not merely 'like' them, you are 'one of' them. This lowers resistance tremendously.
Some examples of Social identities are sports teams, communities, the same college or organizations, religions, factions, etc.
What is something Churchill, Napoleon, and Hitler had in common?
They all believed that they were fated to lead their nations into glory. They felt destined. They interpreted their misfortunes and lucky escapes from death as a sign of destiny. They survived all that to fulfill their roles as leaders.
Surprisingly, you have the same choice. A choice to weave your past into a purpose-filled future.
Caution: Give a positive and productive meaning to your past, unlike Hitler, who fueled it with hatred.
Hope you got value out of this.
Disclaimer - Information use only. Ai-augmented audio tools were used for the podcast version.