Did you miss Shaan Puri and Sam Parr‘s master class on writing? ✍️ 10 tactics I learned will make you a better writer online, instantly.
#4 was the most surprising to me.
1. Start with emotion.
Do you want the reader to feel happy, sad, outraged, scared, etc. after reading?
What is the action you want the reader to take i.e. share the post, comment, etc?
What is the one sentence you want them to remember?
2. Spend 90% of the time on the headline, the hook, and the promise.
The first line is the most important.
The first line’s purpose is to create curiosity for the reader to read the 2nd line. So on and so forth. Once the reader is around the 7th or 8th line they are hooked.
Reminder - it’s only clickbait if it doesn’t deliver on its promise.
3. Write at 4th - 8th grade level.
No fancy words or jargon. Simple is better. Always.
Warren Buffet’s notorious letters to shareholders have gotten simpler as his business has gotten more complex.
Mr. Buffett isn’t about a free ‘buffet’ of words.
4. Write like you speak with your friends.
For example, do you use the word ‘preposterous’ while talking to your friends?
Chances are you don’t. So, don’t use it in your writing either. If you do, well, that is quite preposterous.
5. Copy good work - AKA swipe.
Create a folder where you save headlines that made you open a post or an article. Store cool, interesting sentences you come across. Use these as inspiration while writing.
Copy your favorite writers (preferably by hand). Copy word for word for 10 minutes to get into a writing flow. This isn’t unusual. Singers sing covers before making originals.
6. Incubate and edit - Get the 1st draft out of your head as fast as you can. Then walk away for a few hours, days, or weeks.
Let the idea marinate. Then edit like an angry medieval warrior and chop unnecessary words mercilessly.
Editing is ‘killing your darlings.’ Keep the main thing the main thing. No fluff. If a word doesn’t help convey the point - FINISH HIM (Mortal Kombat).
7. Confused about what to write?
Create a voice memo for a friend telling him/her about all the cool, interesting things you have recently come across.
Then transfer it to words. If it isn’t something your friends would care about, chances are strangers on the internet won’t either.
8. Storytelling is Intention vs. Obstacle.
What does the character want and what’s in their way.
The story becomes about how this character overcomes the challenges. Create high stakes to make the story better. As in what goes wrong if the character doesn’t win.
High stakes but low stake environment is a great combo. Example: You are meeting your in-laws for the first time and you are cooking dinner. Intention - you want to wow them. Obstacle - you’re a terrible cook. Low-stakes environment but high stakes for you.
9. Tools: on writing by Stephen King (book).
Listen to crime thriller podcasts as they are excellent at building tension and storytelling.
Comedians are a treasure trove of catchy, attention-grabbing sentences and stories. Study Dave Chapelle’s masterpiece on how Netflix streamed Chapelle's show without paying him. Impressive how he sets the story and gets the crowd on his side.
10. Write about your thing.
What do you like to nerd about?
Create your personal monopoly about that.
PS: I have never met Shaan Puri but he is one of my favorite peeps on the interwebs. I appreciate his ‘honey I am home’ energy as he puts it.
Sam Parr's knowledge base and his ability to deconstruct complex things blows me away.
Hat tip to you gents! #legends.
Shaan has a writing course at https://maven.com/generalist/writing
and, Sam Parr has a writing course at https://copythat.com/