Byron Katie's four questions that can change your life. Enneagram personality test
Spend more time implementing wisdom, not collecting it.
Category - Self Improvement & Lifestyle design
Podcast episode length: 2 hours 31mins
The path of 'not here' is the feeling you get when you feel lost. You are not lost; you are simply not where you want to be. Now that you know that, it’s your choice to keep going or find another path.
The only reason to endure life’s suffering is joy. Get ambitiously obsessive about living with internal joy. Try finding joy in everything you do. The first place to start is your body. Find joy in your body. This could be stretching, resting, or laughing.
Experiment with not lying for 30 days. It will remove a lot of BS from your life and show you that you do most things out of obligation. Read this funny article for inspiration - It’s called ' I think you are fat'.
Every negative verbal thing you say hurts our body.
It is never true to hate yourself. Learn to forgive your shortcomings.
Once you start telling the truth, the people you don’t genuinely vibe with will fall off.
In Western philosophies, you are born a sinner (imperfect) and need the Divine to cure your imperfections. In Eastern thought, you are born a perfection and collect imperfections and allusions as you age.
In pursuit of knowledge, everything is added. In pursuit of enlightenment, everything is removed.
Don't ask what you want; ask what you yearn for. Your social self wants, your essential self yearns.
Byron Katie's four questions that can change your life. Think of a thought that makes you upset. Then ask:
Question 1: Is it true?
Question 2: Can you absolutely know it's true?
Question 3: How do you react—what happens—when you believe that thought?
Question 4: Who would you be without this thought?
The direct verbal opposite of your worst nightmare is your next step to enlightenment.
The opposite of anxiety isn't calm; it’s creativity. When you feel anxious, make something, anything. Draw, sketch, write your name backward, put a silk cloth on a fan, and draw it (that’s what Martha does). For inspiration, listen to Neil Gaiman’s speech on 'Make good art.'
TED Talk about a neuroanatomist who lost all function in her left hemisphere. She lost all cognition (left side of the brain) and thus experienced the world through the right hemisphere of her brain. Living through her right hemisphere only, she experienced pure bliss, connection, and joy. What does this teach us?
If you need therapy, consider Internal Family Systems (IFS)
For self-compassion, read this book on radical acceptance.
Category - Productivity
Episode: Karl Habenstreit on applying the Enneagram to your business and inter-office communication
Podcast episode length: 44 minutes
Enneagram is a personality test like Myers Briggs. Try it here.
The Enneagram helps you understand why you do what you do or other people’s motivations. This will help you align yourself with others’ motivations and create better connections and communication with them.
The Golden Rule is to treat others how you wish to be treated. The Platinum Rule is to treat others how they wish to be treated. Be more aligned with their preferences, likes, dislikes, beliefs, ideologies, etc. Enneagram helps you gather insight into these elements.
Learn more about different Enneagram types here.
The Enneagram subtypes can help us understand which communication method might work better for someone, e.g., in person, by phone, or by text/email.
This is not complicated and easy to apply. Pay attention to the overwhelming category. Don't overanalyze it.
Category - Productivity
The Productivity Show: Asian Efficiency
Episode - Redefining productivity: What to do when you are just not feeling it
Podcast duration: 50 minutes
If you are feeling sick, ask, what is the one thing you can do to make this day feel productive? Perhaps focus on admin tasks or re-organizing your desk/room, etc., tasks that require less energy but still give you a sense of productivity.
If you feel stressed or demotivated, focus on things you can control. For example, go to bed early, exercise, and eat well. This will inject a feeling of control, power, and influence and undo the lack of motivation.
If you are feeling negative, reframe your negativity and change your environment to help shift your mindset. For example, listening to breakup songs might not be the best idea if you just had a break-up. Instead, go out for a coffee with your friends or go for a hike. It’s important to surround yourself with an environment that fosters positivity and growth rather than one that reinforces negative thought patterns.
It is okay to be bored sometimes. Sit quietly with your thoughts and emotions, and avoid distractions like music or podcasts.
If you dread a task, think about how to make it fun. Is there a better location for this task that will make it more fun? For example, are you dreading the idea of doing your taxes? Have a taxation pizza party where you and your friends do taxes together. Fun matters because happy people are productive people.
#772 - Dr. Peter Attia - Scientifically proven ways to build muscle and boost longevity
Podcast duration: 3 hours 28minutes
Healthcare is the biggest cause of personal bankruptcy in the US.
Manage sleep, exercise, nutrition, distraction, and busyness to improve cognitive health and overall well-being.
Nicotine in low doses improves focus, but it acts as a relaxant in higher doses.
Modafinil can be used to combat jetlag and interruptions in circadian rhythm.
A continuous dosage of 6-7 grams of melatonin can slow down your body's natural production of melatonin.
Emotional well-being includes a sense of purpose, achievement, quality of relationships, self-regulation, and distress tolerance.
Don't confuse your feelings with your state of happiness. Look at happiness through the lens of living a purposeful life filled with meaningful relationships.
When you get mad at yourself, instead of being angry, record a voice memo in which you pretend to advise a friend who made the same mistake. You will be calmer and more constructive, which will improve your self-talk over time. This is neuroplasticity in action.
Your feelings are an indicator of something much deeper. So, don’t ignore or indulge in your feelings. Learn to ask why you are feeling this way. This will uncover the real reason, which you can then explore and troubleshoot.
The study on TRT (testosterone therapy) doesn’t increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and is unreliable because it included a very low loss of TRT. TRT can induce certain cancers, such as prostate cancer.
The best way to naturally increase testosterone is to get quality sleep and reduce cortisol (stress).
It’s never too late to get healthier. This 90-year-old with a fitness level of a 40-year-old was not a lifelong athlete yet was able to achieve incredible health outcomes. Read more here
Don’t only focus on your lifespan (how long you will live); focus on your health span (the quality of your life and health).
Foundational supplements include magnesium (various kinds), creatine (5 grams/day), methylated B vitamins, Theracumin, and Omega 3s.
Toxic compassion - to appease someone by not telling the truth. For example, telling your overweight friend that their weight has no bearing on their long-term health.
Aim for higher amounts of adenosine and melatonin and lower cortisol levels for better sleep.
A good probiotic and soluble fiber is essential for optimal gut health.
Category - Self Improvement & Lifestyle design
Episode 289: Million Dollar Weekend with Noah Kagan and Taylor Wallace
Podcast length - 44:42 mins
All businesses start with a problem. A problem the founders believe they understand and can solve. What problem do you believe you can solve?
Success comes from sticking with something for long periods. Consistent effort over long periods. That is the formula.
Have the courage to be rubbish. Otherwise, you will never start.
The volume of quality outputs is directly correlated to success. Drake, Beyonce, and Taylor Swift have released hundreds of songs but are known for a handful of them.
Noah Kagan walked out of Tony Robbins's live weekend seminar. He wasn’t into massaging the shoulders of strangers he had just met at the seminar.
Do not outsource your problems and growth. Don't wait for a guru or self-development coach to tell you your life’s purpose. Your life and what you make of it is your responsibility. Seek guidance, not dependence.
Figure out how you learn.
Category - Health & Wellness
Episode: Dr. Matt Walker - How to structure your sleep, use naps and time caffeine
Podcast episode length: 2 hours 18 mins
There are different phases of sleep. A phase is defined by how many times you wake up and sleep again. The three most common phases are:
Mono phasic - Most common, sleep once per 24-hour period (night sleep phase)
Bi-phasic - Think of our European friends who sleep once at night and also take an afternoon siesta.
Poly-phasic - Think of an infant who is sleeping every two hours.
Stages of sleep are different than phases of sleep.
There are two phases of sleep: REM and non-REM. The most common ratio is 4:1. For every hour of REM sleep, you get four hours of non-REM sleep.
REM sleep is an electronic fertilizer that enhances brain development.
Sleep preferences can be genetic. For example, if both your parents are early risers, you will likely be, too.
Naps are not good if you suffer from insomnia. It is akin to snacking before your meal; you won’t eat as much.
The ideal nap time is 20 minutes. Do not nap after 3 pm. If you are not a natural napper, don't force it. But, if you want to try a napping routine, re-create your nighttime environment. For example, turn the lights off, no sound, etc.
The name 'Power nap' was an iteration of ‘prophylactic naps’. Federal Aviation Administration studies resulted in a prescription of naps for pilots during long flights. To ensure the pilots (mostly male) were receptive to the idea, the name was changed from prophylactic naps to power naps.
If you suffer from insomnia, try Cognitive therapy for insomnia
Deep sleep declines as we age. There is a 50% reduction by age 50.
Nappaccino - take some caffeine and take a nap.
Do not exceed 2-3 cups of caffeine per day. Depending on your genetic sensitivity to caffeine (how quickly you metabolize caffeine), limit your caffeine intake to at least 8 hours from your bedtime.
To fall asleep faster, reduce your core temperature while warming up your extremities (hands and feet)
The best napping routine is:
Drink coffee
Nap for 20 mins
Splash cold water on your face and wash your hands/feet with cold water (this will increase your core temperature and wake you up)
Get red light exposure for 5-10 mins.
Category - Fun
She grew up and went to school in the jungle. She was on a plane that was struck by lightning during a storm.
She fell out of the sky from 10,000 feet and miraculously survived. Her story was turned into a feature film - Wings of Hope.
She saved her life by following a rule her dad taught her - If you are ever lost in the jungle, follow the water because you will eventually run into humans.
She survived the crash and committed her life to preserving natural habitats in the Amazon jungle.
Category - Productivity
Deep Questions with Cal Newport
Ep: 296 - Jane Austen's To-Do List
Podcast episode length: 1 hour 30 minutes
You are a knowledge worker if you use a computer screen for work.
Knowledge workers are prone to exhaustion, confusion, and an unoptimized sense of productivity.
The advent of technology and the increased rate of input (emails, Slack notifications, text, etc.) meant more activities looked like productive work than actual high-quality work. Cal Newport refers to this as pseudo productivity.
Jane Austen did not write all her books in a short period. This story is inaccurate. In fact, she wrote her books once she moved to her brother's farmhouse and had a slow-paced, secluded lifestyle. Lesson: high quality work demands that we create space for slow, methodical work. Busy does not equal productive. Say yes to fewer things, and you will be more productive.
Limit overhead and admin work to only the things you are currently working on. Say No to everything else.
Category - Relationships & Love
453: Improve your mental health, improve your relationship
Podcast duration: 53 minutes
Stop combative criticism. Don’t use sentences that begin with - You need to do X. Instead, use sentences starting with - Could you please help me with X?
Forgive your partner’s minor flaws. This will remove constant agitation. Example: forgive their messiness. Ask them how they can help you tidy the environment because a cleaner place helps you emotionally.
Communicate clearly. Be mindful of what you say. Will your words help escalate or resolve an issue?
You will disagree with each other. Learn how to communicate your disagreements respectfully.
Do you want to be right or be happy? Communicate accordingly.
Balance constructive criticism or asks with three times the positive feedback.
Complacency is the enemy of intimacy.
Romance is about paying attention and noticing your partner.
Ask your partner what their sexual triggers are, i.e., certain music.
I hope you found this useful.
Much Love,
Disclaimers: I have no affiliation with any of the sources linked above. The information mentioned should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment purposes, and it is not financial advice.