🦉Freeze your pain, Why you should write your own eulogy, 3 questions that can bring more happiness and fulfillment, buying 40 million nickels, and much more
Spend more time implementing wisdom, not collecting it.
In this week’s edition, you will learn:
3 questions that can bring more happiness and fulfillment
Benefits of writing your own eulogy
Qualities of Exceptional Investors
How to negotiate successfully
How your expectations and attachments control your life and why you should learn to calibrate them + more
Episode #742:Tony Robbins & Jerry Colonna
Podcast episode length: 2 hours 31mins
If you wish to be healthier, manage the inflammation in your body. Nothing comes closer to reducing systemic inflammation than Cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is also a potent solution for pain relief and is currently being used by reputable medical facilities and major sports teams in the NFL and NBA.
Switch from living from expectations to appreciation. Be thankful for what you have and try being useful with it. This is the quickest way to 10x your happiness and purpose in life.
Your mind is a great worker but a terrible boss. Stop your mind from thinking ‘less than’ thoughts (you don’t have enough money, you are not good enough, etc.) by anchoring it in appreciation. Use breathwork. Take 30 deep inhales married with long exhales (in a safe environment—not while driving or swimming, for instance) to anchor your mind.
Your mind is the kite 🪁, and your breath is the string. Learn how to fly it right.
If you don’t have 3 minutes for gratitude practice, meditation, or breath work, then you need 3 hours.
Exceptional investors are obsessed with not losing money and not making more because losing money in investments has a compounding effect.
To recover from a 50% loss, you need to make a 100% return, not just 50%, due to the reduced principal.
The riskless trade of Kyle Bass: The US government spends almost 10 cents to make a nickel, which is worth half as much.
The material value of a nickel is around 6.8 cents, so it can never go below that value. Kyle Bass purchased 40 million nickels, an investment with no alleged downside. Note - it is currently illegal to melt coins.
What the world’s best investors know for certain.
The best investors know they will be wrong.
They distribute their risk.
They are lifelong learners.
They are givers.
The power of words - Jerry was set on either committing suicide or being admitted to a hospital when his therapist said, "Why would you want to be in a hospital, the food sucks." That one line snapped him out of his suicidal ideation, along with the following three questions:
What are you not saying that needs to be said?
What are you saying that needs to be heard?
What's being said that you are not hearing?
Layer these 3 questions with, 'How have I been complicit in creating the conditions I want'?
Need another reason to help others? - By helping others, you heal a younger version of yourself that may have battled with similar challenges. You are healing yourself and others—the ultimate win-win.
Are you busy? Do you like being busy? Pause and ask, how is being busy serving you?
You don't have to create a new project, a new task, or a new thing the moment you see a small opening of free time. Learn to sit quietly with your thoughts in that free time. Stop the race. Check-in to see what is really going on within you.
Three basic human needs are love, safety, and belonging.
Episode 147: The art of negotiation and how to get what you want
Podcast episode length: 22 mins
Frame negotiation as creative, collaborative problem-solving, not a battle. It is not You vs. Them.
If you frame negotiations around what you want, you're off to a poor start. A successful negotiation provides proposals where it’s in the best interest of the other person to say yes. To do this successfully, you must shift your focus and spend time learning and understanding the interests, challenges, and motivations of others.
Be ready to answer - Why would they say yes to your proposal?
The biggest ingredient of successful communication and negotiation is concern for others. Before you try to move them to where you want them, meet them where they are.
Know your alternatives. Define the point where you are willing to walk away. This will give you power and leverage during the negotiation.
Know the reservation price: it is the least favorable point at which you will accept a negotiated agreement. For example, for a seller, this means the least amount (minimum) or bottom line they would be prepared to accept. For a buyer, it would mean the most (maximum) or bottom line they would be prepared to pay.
Chunking: Provide solutions that address multiple issues/interests simultaneously.
Episode: Live Event at Brisbane Convention Centre
Podcast episode length: 55 mins
Dr. Huberman’s thoughts on Nicotine: Don’t smoke or vape it because smoking causes cancer. Nicotine patches and gums are safer, and when consumed as such, Nicotine is a potent cognitive enhancer. However, it raises the blood pressure and is a vaso-constrictor. Young people should not consume nicotine as their brains are still developing.
Nicotine has shown some benefit in treating Altzihmers and Parkinson's.
It's best to avoid Nicotine as it is highly addictive, which can outweigh the benefits.
Dr. Huberman eats depending on how asleep or alert he wants to be. He is an omnivore and eats meat, eggs, veggies, oatmeal, and fruits. He defines a healthy food that has a good balance of macro and micronutrients and is in its original natural state (unprocessed).
Dr. Huberman recommends a Non-sleep deep rest protocol (NSDR) to increase energy, focus, and sense of calm throughout the day.
Did you know females have more testosterone than estrogen in their bodies?
TRT (Testosterone replacement therapy) - Before you consider TRT, optimize your sleep, nutrition, exercise, and stress control. Try natural supplements to boost testosterone first.
Peptides like BPC-157 are useful, but use caution because these peptides are small proteins that will help grow and repair all tissues, including harmful tumors.
Never perform any form of breath work like the WimHolf method near the water (pool, ocean, shower, baths, etc.) because it increases the tolerance for shallow water intake, resulting in drowning or death.
The biggest job of a parent is to create boundaries and create a safe environment.
Episode #793: Menno Henselmans - The new science of using protein to build muscle
Podcast episode length: 1 hour 44 minutes
Protein Myth: Your body can only absorb 20 grams of protein at a time, which is a myth. So it’s ok to consume more than 20 grams of protein per meal.
You can maximize muscle growth by eating 0.8 grams of protein/pound of body weight daily. Anything over 0.8 grams/lb doesn’t contribute to muscle growth (i.e., 1 or 1.5 grams of protein/lb. of body weight). For example - if you weigh 150 lbs., 150X.8 = 120. You can get maximal muscle gain by eating 120 grams of protein per day.
The Expectation Effect: You are not using your brain’s features correctly. The way you think about the world profoundly shapes how you navigate it. Read this book to explore how your brains can sabotage or save you in your most challenging moments.
Watch this to learn fascinating features of your brain.
You must manage your and others' expectations of you because they have a massive influence on your life.
Caffeine is a drug; use it like one. A double espresso in the morning still affects your sleep at night. Is caffeine an aid, a crutch, or a pick-me-up handicap for you?
Caffeine is, however, the best pre-workout. It can be combined with creatine.
The easiest healthy diet template is 70% protein combined with carbs and fiber, such as rice or veggies.
For 1 week, track your calories (weigh your food, count calories, the macros, and micros using an app like MyFitnessPal) and use a sleep tracker. You will find that you are overeating by 500 calories per day (on average), and you are sleeping 30 mins to an hour less than you think you are. Optimizing these two factors based on your findings can have a huge effect on your well-being.
Sleep is the single most important factor for fat loss and muscle gain aside from nutrition.
Based on scientific studies, artificial sweeteners are generally safe because they do not spike insulin or negatively affect the microbiome.
Your new health motto is = Be jacked or lean or both because many health co-morbidities are nullified if you are jacked and lean.
Carbs intake (high carb diet) and supplements are both overrated unless you are an athlete (Tennis player or MMA fighter)
The most underrated bodybuilding foods are olives, berries, and Pangasius fillet - a flavorful white fish.
Eggs and Red meat are neither healthy nor unhealthy. They are both nutritiously dense, yet the fat content can negatively affect biomarkers. In short, stop demonizing foods and look for what is healthy for your unique physiology.
Diet camps can be another form of virtue signaling, or, in some cases, a superiority complex—' my diet is better than yours, so I am going to live longer and better than you.'
Episode 305: Living life in a crescendo with Matt Gutman
Podcast episode length: 36 mins
Wellness is work. You are a work in progress. Keep working on yourself because no one else can.
Social rejection can be one of the biggest root causes of panic attacks. Social acceptance is a hard-wired necessity for humans. Calibrate it to reduce unwanted anxiety.
Attachment theory and how it may be affecting your romantic life
Attachment theory explains how the parent-child relationship emerges and influences subsequent development.
Attachments of various kinds are formed through the repeated act of “attachment behaviors” or “attachment transactions,” a continuing process of seeking and maintaining a certain level of proximity to another specified individual.
Episode: A Tribute to Dan Miller
Podcast episode length: 33 minutes
48 days to the work and life you love: great book by Dan Miller
Rutter of your day: Start your day right. Set the right tone for the day.
Dan's morning routine:
1. Don’t shock your system first thing. Wake up without an alarm.
2. Exercise - Dan walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes to get the circulation going.
3. Eat something nutritious.
Dan had a wildly successful career yet remained approachable and generous. He was kind to people with less experience who asked him for advice. Yet, he would take copious notes at a conference from a speaker with 1/10th the experience. Dan was a lifelong learner and will always be remembered for his values.
What values do you wish to be known for after you pass?
Why you should write your own eulogy
The above reminded me of an exercise that I still do every year, and it had a profound effect on me when I first did it.
The exercise is to write your own eulogy.
Write down what you wish people to say at your funeral. Use this to reverse engineer your life. Design and mold your character, habits, and priorities based on how you wish to be remembered.
More details on this exercise HERE
Episode: Humble confidence with veteran and entrepreneur Blake Hall
Podcast episode length: 38 minutes
It is possible to live a life of service and be a wildly successful entrepreneur simultaneously.
3 rules for a leader who wants to serve:
Never think you are better than the people you lead
If you have a choice, lead the worst team to demonstrate the impact good leadership can make
First, serve those who need the help the most.
Humility is not meekness.
Confident leaders ask for help the quickest.
Both life and business are full of ironies. For example, a big company has to focus on the small things to be successful.
Episode: Kids, Chaos and Productivity - Mastering work from home parenting
Podcast episode length: 44 minutes
Create a fun learning environment at home by including your kids in the daily planning. Teach them to be responsible for their chores and schoolwork. Use this method.
If both parents are home and you have younger kids, divide the day into two-hour blocks. Each 2-hour block is assigned to one parent to help the kids if they are home or do house chores. Divide and conquer.
If you don’t have a separate office, place a sticky note on the back of your laptop to signal if you can be interrupted or not. You can use red, green, or yellow sticky notes to signal.
Give disclaimers to the audience before your meeting that you might be interrupted. Most people are understanding these days.
Implement the ideas:
This week, do one of the following:
Reconnect with the inner child and tell him/her everything will be OK. Analyze your closest, most meaningful attachments and how they impact your behaviors.
Write down the answers to these 3 questions:
Question and calibrate your expectations for life overall, work, or a specific relationship. Set positive, realistic expectations.
Remember, no one knows enough to be a permanent pessimist.
Please share in the comments which of the 3 ideas above resonated more with you, or you are excited to complete.
I hope this post was useful. If not, please let me know how I can improve it.
There is nothing as satisfying as being shot at and not dying. - Winston Churchill
Much Love,