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Category - Productivity
#772 - Oliver Burkeman - Why our obsession with productivity is all wrong
Podcast duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Your obsession with productivity is about control, not purpose.
Yet your thinking of control is delusional. Medieval people had a healthy sense of control because, at any time, a famine, a plague, or a war could end their lives. Today, your sense of control is misguided because of the technological advancements. It is unrealistic because you do not have absolute control over the environment.
How much of your personal development was caused simply by age? How much can be attributed simply to life experience?
3-3-3 productivity model: For three hours a day, focus on the three core tasks that are absolutely critical, i.e., Exercise, Eat well, and respond to emails. Then, complete three sub-critical tasks, such as admin or social media posts, etc.
Rigidity is not discipline. Discipline is consistency. Rigidity means doing something at a certain time, and if you don’t, you fail. Rigidity creates unwanted suffering. Allow yourself the freedom to do things at your own pace.
If you are interrupted, give the interruption your full attention momentarily. This way, you are done with that interruption.
Keep your dedication to the outcome, not the process. Don’t obsess over batching emails. Obsess over getting emails done/read efficiently.
Loneliness is the tax you pay to atone for a certain complexity of mind.
Don't search for your niche. Become the niche. Your unique combination of interests, hobbies, and curiosities will appeal to people. Scratch your own itch. Create to fulfill your own curiosities.
The Productivity Show: Asian Efficiency
Episode - Revitalise your weekend: Finding balance and flexibility
Podcast duration: 23 minutes
Want to have a good weekend? Start by asking what will make a good weekend. This will help you focus on the things that matter, instead of reacting to life.
Make leisure plans—not just Netflix and chill, but intentionally plan things that might feed your soul. For example, Book the dance class with your partner and the pottery class.
Schedule your social time. Intentionally invest in building relationships. Use the weekends to schedule time with family and friends that matter.
Leave room for spontaneity and flexibility. Leave a few hours during the weekends where you can spontaneously say yes. Example: Don’t schedule anything on Saturday mornings.
Category - Self Improvement & Lifestyle design
Episode #773 - Live 10th Anniversary Random show with Kevin Rose
Podcast episode length: 1 hour 10 mins
What are the things that are easier for you than others? Lean into that.
You can become the caricature of your most extreme thoughts and behaviors. If not managed intentionally, you will become the mask you wear.
You can switch your retirement funds to crypto ETFs with Fidelity or Franklin Templeton for tax-free gains. This is not financial advice.
TMS: Transcranial Magnetic stimulation is finally making headway in addressing mental health issues. Look for clinically experienced clinics.
Be a Super Connector: Be naturally curious during conversations. To overcome social anxiety, write down 5 topics you could talk about or questions you might want to ask at a given event or party. You will never end up using these questions, but it removes the anxiety. Your brain will feel safer because you have those topics as a fallback. This will allow for more natural conversations.
Ever find yourself in an awkward conversation that you can’t leave? Next time, use this script: “I have to catch up with a few other people at the party, but before I leave, tell me a little more about something you were just mentioning (insert topic).” This way, you will leave with the other person, thinking you are interested in what they say. It’s a softer landing.
Drugs like Ozempic were initially created to regulate glucose levels. These drugs have some cardio-protective benefits. The downside is the loss of muscle mass.
If you're dating and looking for a serious relationship, look for someone who challenges you and whom you naturally admire.
Outlive by Peter Attia is a good book on longevity.
To improve your quality of life, try experiencing different climates and seasons. Aim to create as many moments of awe as possible.
If you feel rushed, your time will feel compressed, and it will appear that life is passing you by quickly. Slow down. To feel more energized and get more done, take a 10-minute break every two hours. Unplug.Category - Productivity
Michael Easter on how comfort and over abundance are stifling our progress and productivity
Podcast episode length: 44 minutes
Luxuries become necessities over time. Label them correctly. Otherwise, your new necessities can create unwanted stress.
How do you know you have a drinking problem? Answer: All your problems stem from drinking.
Clear Space is an app that inserts a pause on the scrolling function on your social media apps, reducing unnecessary scrolling.
People who eat junk food eat approximately 500 more calories a day.
You use your phone most when you feel some internal discomfort or boredom. Write down your triggers before you pick up your phone next time. Within 2 or 3 days, it will build awareness to address the root cause and not merely distract yourself with your phone. For example, you get an email from your boss that stresses you, and you open social media on your phone. Address why your boss's email stress you.
People who climbed stairs three times a week for 3 minutes had a 30% lower risk in all-cause of mortality.
Check out Michael's work here
Category - Self Improvement & Lifestyle design
Episode 293: Mastering personal productivity - Lessons from an executive advisor at Google
Podcast length - 42 mins
Can’t make a decision? Ask what your future self would wish you had done in this moment.
Make your current self help your future self. Example: Set the coffee machine to brew the next morning.
What can you do in the next 10 minutes that you will be grateful for 10 years from now?
Your ultimate future self is you on your deathbed. What would that future self wish you chose in life?
Pick your three BIG priorities for this quarter. Your to-do list must align with these three priorities. Your calendar is the reflection of where you are choosing to spend your time.
Intentionally and honestly update your calendar to reflect where you actually spent your time during the day. You can use Google Calendar to color code and run a weekly report of this allocation.
Have the courage to be rubbish. Pick the areas where you must shine. Areas you must work on. These are things that are essential and that only you can work on. Examples: Building a relationship with your partner, exercise.
Category - Productivity
Episode: How to build an online community
Podcast episode length: 1 hour 24 minutes
Content is important, but community is equally important. Humans are social creatures. A community provides connection and witnessing of your transformation and identity.
If you are a content creator, focus on how your content facilitates a transformation for your viewers.
A source of recurring revenue needs to provide recurring value; otherwise, the client will be left unsatisfied.
Be less specific about how you will deliver value to your clients. Because once you launch your product, you may discover that the delivery method you chose was inefficient. Now, you may have to go back on your word publicly. This can cause reputational damage.
Use ‘private opening - public launch.’ Allow a small group of dedicated fans to try out your new product for free. Gather their feedback, refine the product, and then launch it publicly.
Client onboarding is key. When a new consumer enters your ecosystem, make them feel seen and welcomed.
Would you rather have a small number of clients buying your most expensive product or lots of clients buying your cheapest product?
Category - Fun
Stuff You Should Know - Mariko Aiko Phenomenon (People who want to poop in bookstores)
10% of people in Japan get the urge to poop in a bookstore.
This urge to poop is attributed to the bookstore's calming nature, coffee consumption, and up-down movement in the aisles.
Category - Productivity
Deep Questions with Cal Newport
Ep: 297 - The Deep Life Hardware
Podcast episode length: 1 hour 26 minutes
Your goals are a metaphor for software, and your habits, routines, discipline, and focus are the hardware. The software cannot run without capable hardware.
Get repetition in the skill you want to master, not a precursor to it. Want to improve your ability to focus? Do hard things that demand focus instead of taking a meditation course.
If your partner is not interested in productivity, don’t expect them to grasp your complicated productivity routine and systems. Start small to bring them on board. Start with the basics, like meeting twice a week to review what needs to be on your calendars.
AstroChimps - A book about the exciting, specialized history of the Space Race."
Category - Relationships & Love
454: Shifting from default monogamous relating
Podcast duration: 49 minutes
Non-monogamy is not designed to save a troubled relationship.
If you are switching to non-monogamy, allow your monogamous partner the time to digest the change.
Deep psychological interrogation is a must as you decide on monogamy or non-monogamy.
Jealousy is a fear of interruption to your current relationship.
Regardless of the flavor of your relationship, it hinges on how well you communicate with your partner.
Jealousy reveals your deeper insecurities.
Personally, I think non-monogamy leads to psychological and emotional scarring. It can deeply wound your soul.
I hope you found this helpful.
Much Love,
Disclaimers: I have no affiliation with any of the sources linked above. The information mentioned should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment purposes, and it is not financial advice.